Swishing Party and Sustainable Fashion

On the 20 January from 11am to 3pm Betsy’s Closet Swap Shop will be at Refettorio Felix 51 Philbeach Gardens London. This event will be filmed by BBC3 as part of a documentary on sustainable fashion. Rainbow Brands are delighted to be invited and will be featuring the Cora Ball and EcoEgg to support the event. Why don’t you come down and take part? We'd love to see you there!
What is swishing?
Swishing is a fun and social way of encouraging people to make the most of what they’ve got hanging in their wardrobe, sitting in a drawer or packed away in a box.
While our pockets benefit from swishing, so do our bins. Every year an estimated 300,000 tonnes of used clothing goes to landfill in the UK. There is absolutely no need for any clothing or textiles to make its way into a bin.
Betsy is your SWAPLUTION!
The idea is to put all those garments you no longer want back into a ‘collective closet’ called “Betsy’s Swap Shop” for other people to appreciate, wear and enjoy. Those of you who choose to participate in this process get something you'd love to wear in return.
Clothes Swaps are events where you swap your clothes with friends, acquaintances and/or strangers. Betsy try to reduce the environmental impact of fast fashion by offering a better alternative to shopping. People take great quality clothing that’s collecting dust while remaining un-loved in their wardrobes and swap them for different wonderful garms of your choosing! It is an excellent way of renewing your wardrobe without the guilt of spending a fortune on the high street, without the danger of harming the planet.
Swishing at Refettorio Felix 51 Philbeach Gardens London
Exchange up to 10 preloved garments you no longer wear for some new-to-you gems swish gently worn items of clothing which have been sitting unused in your wardrobe and start the year with sustainable fashion alternative and join the #swaplution pledge not to buy any new clothes in 2019!
Here are some links about the event and Betsy’s Swap Shop:
We hope you can make it and if you can’t let us know what you think about swishing.
Stay safe keep buzzing!
Selchouk Sami