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We are delighted to announce that Rainbow Brands will be selling and distributing Water-to-Go products.

Single-use plastic water bottles are killing our oceans and irreversibly damaging the planet. Awareness of the damage done to our planet by single-use plastics has never been so acute.

Water-to-Go is a sustainable solution to plastic pollution and is the perfect alternative to single-use plastic bottles. 1 75cl filter is the equivalent to 400 single-use plastic bottles. The Water-to-Go bottle is also a symbol of your commitment to sustainable travel and to protect the world from plastic pollution. Join us in eliminating plastic waste and saving the planet.

With millions of tourists and travellers exploring ever more exotic destinations every year, having access to safe drinking water is an absolute necessity. Unfortunately, when we travel we are forced to buy bottled water when there is not a safe alternative. Single-use water bottles are having a devastating impact on our planet with the latest report indicating that plastic waste could outnumber fish in the ocean by the year 2050. Furthermore, over 8 million tonnes of plastic enters our oceans every year whilst 85 million single-use plastic bottles are thrown away every 3 minutes. The team at Water-to-Go have been battling this problem since 2010 and through painstaking research, they have created a sustainable and responsible alternative to single-use plastic water bottles.

A key goal at Water-to-Go is to support the work of charities and their efforts in supporting the underprivileged. This can be on support for colleagues who travel abroad and need clean water to allow them to carry out their duties and mission, and to supporting fundraising with donations and prizes. To date, Water-to-Go have supported smaller organisations such as Child Aid Gambia right up to supplying Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) with Water to-Go products for their emergency packs.

Stay Safe Keep Buzzing!

Selchouk Sami



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VAT No: 267277175

Company Reg No: 10710195

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